Mark G.J. van den Brand

Mark van den Brand is a full professor of Software Engineering and Technology in the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, and a visiting professor at Royal Holloway, University of London.

His current research activities are on model-driven engineering, domain-specific languages, meta-modeling, model management, digital twins, and automotive software engineering. His research is industry inspired; he works with most of the high-tech
companies in the Eindhoven (The Netherlands) region. He has been an invited lecturer and keynote speaker at various conferences, workshops and doctoral schools. He was and is member of PCs on workshops and conferences related to software engineering, language engineering, rewriting, reverse engineering, and software maintenance.

He initiated the special issues of Science of Computer Programming devoted to academic software development (Experimental Software and Toolkits), and since 2007 has been guest editor of six of these. He is on the editorial board of the journals Science of Computer Programming, Open Computer Science, and Computer Languages (COLA). He is Editor-in-Chief of the Journal on Automotive Software Engineering. He is deputy Editor-in-Chief of platinum open access journal JOT. 


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