Ceci n’est pas un jumeau numérique

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Ceci n’est pas un jumeau numérique

Andreas Wortmann
University of Stuttgart

Presentation slides

Abstract: Digital Twins are currently investigated as the technological backbone for providing an enhanced understanding and management of existing systems as well as for designing new systems in various domains, e.g., ranging from single manufacturing components, such as sensors to large-scale systems such as smart cities. Given the diverse application domains of Digital Twins, it is not surprising that the characterization of the term Digital Twin, as well as the needs for developing and operating Digital Twins are multi-faceted. Providing a better understanding what the commonalities and differences of Digital Twins in different contexts
are, may allow to build reusable support for developing, running, and managing Digital Twins by providing dedicated concepts, techniques, and tool support. Yet there is neither commonly accepted definition of the term “Digital Twin”, nor agreements about what such a software should comprise or do. This is partly due to the different communities involved in digital twin research and partly due to the different challenges digital twins are applied to. In this talk, we will discuss different perspectives on digital twins, lay out insights on digital twin features based on the largest literature study on digital twins, discuss the interpretation of digital twins by large US platform providers, and illustrate a toolchain for the model-driven engineering of self-adaptive digital twins.

Speaker bio: Andreas Wortmann is a professor at Stuttgart University, where he is a member of the Institute for Control Engineering of Machine Tools and Manufacturing Units (ISW). He received his Ph.D. from RWTH Aachen University in 2016 where he led a group on model-driven systems engineering and served as deputy coordinator in the “Internet of Production” DFG excellence cluster on the digital transformation in production. His research interests include model-driven engineering, software language engineering, (formal) software architectures, and digital transformation applied to a variety of domains, such as automotive, Industry 4.0, or robotics. He is a member of the IEEE Technical Committee on Software Engineering for Robotics and Automation and a board member of the European Association for Programming Languages and Systems. He also serves on the editorial boards of the Journal of Object Technology and the Journal on Software and Systems Modeling. Moreover, he has co-authored over 90 publications. For more information, visit www.wortmann.ac.